Food Shelf
Donations and volunteers are needed first Tuesdays of each month 10:00am-1:00pm and 3:00pm-6:00pm.
Call: 863-3663
English Language Mentors
Help a new American learn English.
Resources are provided. Talk to Julie to volunteer.
Call: 863-3657
Meals on Wheels
Looking for volunteers.
School Back Pack Program
This program is an extension of the Food Shelf reaching the needs of children in our school system facing food insecurities. The purpose is to help provide extra support for children over the weekends.
Volunteers are needed to pack bags and deliver to the schools each week while school is in session. 
If you would like to make a donation please write your check to Pelican Rapids Food Shelf and note in the memo line “Back pack program”
Call: 863-2424