Women’s Ministry
Circle Bible Studies
Six groups of women gather to study the monthly Bible study, Lutheran Women Today.
Call Vicki Johnson: 863-8923
There are seven regular meetings, usually at 2:00 pm. The first Thursday of January, March, May, July, September, November, and December. All women are welcome.
Contact the church office: 218-863-2424
Prayer Shawl Ministry
If you or someone you know needs a prayer shawl, or if you would like to help knit or crochet one please stop at the church for directions.
Lutheran World Relief quilting is done September through May (except in December). Meeting the first and third Wednesday of the month, 9:00am until noon.
Prayer Chain
Call the church if you have a prayer request or if you would like to be on the prayer chain.
Trinity has an up-to-date library and invites you to check out books and media. Donations of new or lightly used Christian literature are welcome.